Brief History into the Legal Developments concerning Genocide
The Definition The crime of genocide falls within the jurisdiction of the ...
The Definition The crime of genocide falls within the jurisdiction of the ...
As the focus once again shifts towards a mediation for the Israel-Lebanon ...
Les tribunaux internationaux tels que la CPI et la CIJ sont plus ...
INTRODUCTION Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) are typically concluded between two states ...
In recent years, unilateral economic sanctions that restrict international trade have become ...
A summary of facts of Chevron v Ecuador II[1] Texaco, a US ...
In the last decades, there has been a notable decline in the ...
The term “protected persons” in Geneva Conventions,[1]which acquired universal ratification[2]and thus reflect ...
When the Second Intifada, the Palestinian resistance movement against Israel in the ...
I. Introduction In 13 April 2006, International Law Commission issued a report ...